Johny is currently a third year NUS undergraduate majoring in Chemistry. He has a deep interest in analytical chemistry because of the wide variety of practical applications it can bring to benefit the modern world.
Besides excelling academically, Johny also believes in holistic development through life-skill learning. As such, he took up lifeguard and CPR courses in case somebody in distress requires help one day. He also set himself a goal to learn at least one life skill annually.
Having served onboard different vessels in the navy, Johny is highly adaptable and independent. Leadership quality is also his strong point. He held the position of Staff sergeant in NCC during his secondary school days and moved on to become the Vice-chairman of Science society in Jurong Junior College. He was in charge of organizing many events such as the annual Science fair and orientation meeting for the new members. Johny’s leadership ability saw him through national service where he joined the Officer Cadet School to commission as a naval officer.
Leading a balanced lifestyle is what Johny engaged in too. Outside of class, he actively participates in various sports such as basketball, jogging and swimming. Water activities ranging from diving to power boating are also part of Johny’s leisure pursuit. He hopes to do skydiving one day!
Finally, Johny firmly believes that we only live life once. Hence, one should make the most out of it through life-long learning and possess the curiosity to experience the different chapters of life. “Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.”
Besides excelling academically, Johny also believes in holistic development through life-skill learning. As such, he took up lifeguard and CPR courses in case somebody in distress requires help one day. He also set himself a goal to learn at least one life skill annually.
Having served onboard different vessels in the navy, Johny is highly adaptable and independent. Leadership quality is also his strong point. He held the position of Staff sergeant in NCC during his secondary school days and moved on to become the Vice-chairman of Science society in Jurong Junior College. He was in charge of organizing many events such as the annual Science fair and orientation meeting for the new members. Johny’s leadership ability saw him through national service where he joined the Officer Cadet School to commission as a naval officer.
Leading a balanced lifestyle is what Johny engaged in too. Outside of class, he actively participates in various sports such as basketball, jogging and swimming. Water activities ranging from diving to power boating are also part of Johny’s leisure pursuit. He hopes to do skydiving one day!
Finally, Johny firmly believes that we only live life once. Hence, one should make the most out of it through life-long learning and possess the curiosity to experience the different chapters of life. “Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.”