Johny is currently a third year NUS undergraduate majoring in Chemistry. He has a deep interest in analytical chemistry because of the wide variety of practical applications it can bring to benefit the modern world.
Besides excelling academically, Johny also believes in holistic development through life-skill learning. As such, he took up lifeguard and CPR courses in case somebody in distress requires help one day. He also set himself a goal to learn at least one life skill annually.
Having served onboard different vessels in the navy, Johny is highly adaptable and independent. Leadership quality is also his strong point. He held the position of Staff sergeant in NCC during his secondary school days and moved on to become the Vice-chairman of Science society in Jurong Junior College. He was in charge of organizing many events such as the annual Science fair and orientation meeting for the new members. Johny’s leadership ability saw him through national service where he joined the Officer Cadet School to commission as a naval officer.
Leading a balanced lifestyle is what Johny engaged in too. Outside of class, he actively participates in various sports such as basketball, jogging and swimming. Water activities ranging from diving to power boating are also part of Johny’s leisure pursuit. He hopes to do skydiving one day!
Finally, Johny firmly believes that we only live life once. Hence, one should make the most out of it through life-long learning and possess the curiosity to experience the different chapters of life. “Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.”
Besides excelling academically, Johny also believes in holistic development through life-skill learning. As such, he took up lifeguard and CPR courses in case somebody in distress requires help one day. He also set himself a goal to learn at least one life skill annually.
Having served onboard different vessels in the navy, Johny is highly adaptable and independent. Leadership quality is also his strong point. He held the position of Staff sergeant in NCC during his secondary school days and moved on to become the Vice-chairman of Science society in Jurong Junior College. He was in charge of organizing many events such as the annual Science fair and orientation meeting for the new members. Johny’s leadership ability saw him through national service where he joined the Officer Cadet School to commission as a naval officer.
Leading a balanced lifestyle is what Johny engaged in too. Outside of class, he actively participates in various sports such as basketball, jogging and swimming. Water activities ranging from diving to power boating are also part of Johny’s leisure pursuit. He hopes to do skydiving one day!
Finally, Johny firmly believes that we only live life once. Hence, one should make the most out of it through life-long learning and possess the curiosity to experience the different chapters of life. “Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.”
Hi Johny,
ReplyDeleteYour achievements are impressive! I am sure with your wits and talent, you will become a great man in future!
And with regards to some of your curiosities, can you share some of them? I am interested to know which are some of the events that you have not experience! Other than sky diving of course!
Ji Fang
Hi Johny,
ReplyDeleteYou are so cool! Your activities involves diving and power boating? .. That is so amazing!
I'm truly impressed by all the skills you possess. And i heard that you ride a bike!
I'm speechless ... =X
Hi all!
ReplyDeleteTo JF: Firstly, thank you for the compliment. You will also do well given your drive in work!
Of course besides skydiving, another curiosity of mine is to travel. But have to wait till i work before financial situation allows me to!
To Cecilia: Water activities are actually quite fun. Not just for me, but it can be for you too! Yes, i do ride a bike, but i must cauion that it is more dangerous than driving a car! I am also impressed by your passion in food!
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Hieyo SHM!!
ReplyDeleteI like the proverb you stated in this entry. How true that is.
And I'm impressed by your leadership roles you have taken up so far!
And you like travelling too?! After my exchange in Boston (where I travelled to 9 places within 4 months), I have caught the travelling bug!
In any case, I find it interesting that you are writing your biodata as a third-party...
- Kalene
Hey Johny,
ReplyDeleteI can tell that you have live a fulfilled life and that makes me so envious. Your goal of learning 1 life skill annually is so cool, by 50 years old, you will be equipped with so many life skills.
Anyway your biodata have stated all the essential skills and experience which is important for job search.
A well written biodata!
Hi Johny,
ReplyDeleteI am impressed by your goal to learn at least one life skill annually! Your leadership and sports skills were showed clearly in the biodata too.
You are also clear in your goal and determined to live fulfilling.
A clear and concise entry! :)
Dag yo.
ReplyDeleteReally play up the Navy officer part - that is really impressive. It seems a little weird to go from science fairs to Navy officer in the same sentence - or was your point to show how you developed from one to the other?
I like the way you structured this, the way you move from point to point, paragraph to paragraph.
Very professional presentation last week.
Hey Matt,
ReplyDeleteMaybe i didn't explain clearly. My point is to bring across that i am fortunate to be given many opportunities to develop my leadership skills through the education journey and national service. :)
Thanks for the compliment. You did a great job too in delievering the presentation!
Hey Johny!
ReplyDeleteMr.Officer! The stuff which you do really reminds me a naval career commercial shown on tv a few years back, "The sun, the sand and the sea". CPR, bikes, power boating! What's next man!?
Impressive list of achievements you have there, I think they are really going to complement you in your future career. Especially like the part about you wanting to learn 1 life skill every year, it shows the hunger to learn and your relentless pursuit to improve yourself. That, I think it's very important. Thanks for telling us so much about yourself dude, you struck me as a very competent person who has a very positive attitude towards life. I'm sure you will be succcessful in your endeavours. :-)
P.S. Btw, just out of curiosity sake, what does SHM stand for? The pet name which Kalene used to address you? care to share? :p
Hi Kenny,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, thanks for the compliment! Frankly speaking, when i was writing my biodata, i realised i did not have much to show in terms of technical skills. No internship for my course and i am still in the budding stage of my career. The only "technical skills" i have was all the "Rojak" skills i picked up along the years, mainly because of interest. :p
Haha! SHM stands for Stagnant Height Man! Because i am not considered tall for my age and gender, given the fact that i have stopped groming vertically!
I wish you well in your future endeavours too!
Just want to clarify, your biodata is really impressive. You sound like a really wellrounded, down to earth, and able person.